Dr. Marilena Giannoudi

United Kingdom

Mentor Match Award – Mentee2024

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Mentorship Pairing #3: Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, sponsored by Bristol Myers Squibb

in collaboration with Dr. Forum Kamdar


Marilena Giannoudi is an Academic Clinical Fellow based at Leeds University Teaching Hospitals and the University of Leeds. In addition to her medical training she has completed a Masters by Research (MRes) in Cardiovascular Health and Disease at the University of Newcastle, and a Master of Science (MSc) in Health Professionals Education at Hull York Medical School. She is a current PhD student at the University of Leeds characterising diabetic cardiomyopathy using cardiac MRI and transcriptomics. Her goal is to continue on the clinical academic path as an imaging cardiologist, with a special interest in inherited cardiac disease, cardio-oncology and medical education.