Event Date – 4th October 2024
We’re delighted to be hosting another joint session at the European Bifurcation Club (EBC), enabling women to present their cases. This year’s session is entitled My Best Bifurcation Dilemma, where women operators can share their cases where clinical and/or anatomic features made bifurcation PCI challenging and required uncommon decisions.
The annual, compact meeting, dedicated to bifurcations, brings together physicians, engineers, biologists, physicists, epidemiologists and statisticians for detailed discussions. Every meeting is finalised with a consensus statement which reflects the unique opportunity of combining the opinions of interventional cardiologists with the opinions of a large variety of other scientists on bifurcation management.
Date: October 4-5th 2024
Location: Frankfurt, Germany AND online
This year, the EBC programme will host a series of three sessions based on bifurcation PCI clinical case presentations with specific topics. Women As One is partnering with The EBC to provide a unique opportunity for women to share their cases. Our joint session is; My Best Bifurcation Dilemma: (Women As One) cases by female operators where clinical and/or anatomic features made bifurcation PCI challenging and required uncommon decisions.
Submission deadline: August 1