Programa de becas de entrenamiento para Mujeres Intervencionistas LatinoAmericanas en patología estructural

¡10 becas para mujeres intervencionistas latinoamericanas! Asista a una semana de entrenamiento intensivo y presencial con la posibilidad de observar y participar de intervenciones estructurales en centros de alta complejidad afiliados a SOLACI. ¿CÓMO PARTICIPAR? Para postularse, debe enviar su carta de aplicación a detallando la siguiente información: Experiencia previa Años de entrenamiento Lugar...

Women and medicine: Inequalities past, present and future

The Royal Society of Medicine 1 Wimpole Street, London, United Kingdom

Women and medicine: Inequalities past, present and future Join The Royal Society of Medicine for an evening, run in association with the Medical Women’s Federation, as they explore the past, present, and future of gender inequalities in healthcare leadership to identify ways to collaborate, be empowered to advocate for equality, and bring about systemic change....

Women and Cardiovascular Disease: Why Should it Matter More?

InterContinental New York Barclay 111 East 48th St, New York, NY, United States

Women and Cardiovascular Disease: Why Should it Matter More? The Lancet Commission Educational Symposium During this one-day symposium, healthcare clinicians will explore strategies to tackle inequities in diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of heart disease in women; to advance innovative solutions for early detection and targeted management; to unravel the underlying biological mechanisms that contribute to...