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New program launched in support of women as clinical trial leaders

Published Date – 7 December 2023

CLIMB Research Scholars 2023 latest

Women remain underrepresented in cardiovascular clinical trial leadership despite public commitments to increasing gender diversity. In fact, 40% of published trials in high-impact cardiology journals between 2014 and 2018 had no women on their committees at all. Increasing gender diversity in clinical trial leadership is critical to improving data quality and patient care.

With this in mind, Women As One and the Global CVCT Forum, with the support of Esperion Therapeutics, launched the inaugural CLIMB Research Scholars program as part of CVCT 2023 in Washington DC. The program is expected to have an immediate impact by creating valuable opportunities for emerging women researchers, enhancing their visibility, and making the necessary professional connections to ensure their future success.

“There are too few women involved in clinical trial leadership. The data shows that trials led by women have a more representative gender balance among patient participants.”

Faiez Zannad, MD, CVCT Founder and Chair

Following a review of nominations by a committee of established clinical research leaders, three awardees were selected:

Dr Erin Bohula headshot
Erin Bohula, MD, PhD

(Harvard Medical School, United States)

Dr Caroline Coats headshot
Caroline Coats, MBBS, MSc, PhD

(Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Scotland)

Dr Sonali Gnanenthiran headshot
Sonali Gnanenthiran, MD, PhD

(Concord Hospital, Australia)

As part of their award, the physicians were invited to attend the CVCT Forum, where they were featured as panelists and discussants in sessions related to their expertise and were able to participate in the CVCT Young Trialists program. We were also able to facilitate a number of special on-site networking opportunities, including a lunch with clinical trial experts where they where able to build connections with and learn from expert clinical trialists After the event, Dr David Cohen Director of Clinical and Outcomes Research, at the Cardiovascular Research Foundation commented; “[I was] So glad to meet the 3 CLIMB research scholars in person. I am confident that our field is in great shape for the future!

Sonali Gnanenthiran, MD, PhD, 2023 Awardee
cvct lunch photos for blog

Following the success of the CLIMB Research Scholars pilot program, Women As One hopes to scale the program in future years to provide support to increasing numbers of emerging women clinical trialists.

Roxana Mehran, MD, Women As One Founder

Nominations for the 2023 CLIMB Research Scholar pilot program were received from the global academic faculty of the CVCT Forum and Women As One.