Interventional cardiologist Amsterdam University Medical Centers, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Former head of the catherization laboratory location VUmc. Initiator and first chair of: Working group on Gender of the Dutch Society of Cardiology (NVVC) (2008-2013) and Thinktank of Gender&Health VUmc (2016- ).

Main area of interest is researching the subject of angina with non-obstructive coronary artery disease (ANOCA), including the use of invasive coronary function testing techniques and participating in a large-scale National Registry on ANOCA (IMPRESS study; MICORDIS study; NL-CFT Registry). She is member of the Lancet Commission on Gender & CV disease and co-author of the publication in Lancet 2020. Also co-author of the INOCA consensus document EHJ/EuroInterv 2020/2021; In the Netherlands, she is one of the ambassadors on gender and CVD and a well-known public figure contributing as a professional advisor to the media. In 2019, nominated by a Dutch magazine as one of the most important influential women of 2018 on Women & Health in the Netherlands. In 2020 she took part in the Dutch documentary ‘The Female heart’. She is the recipient of a number of research grants funding her studies on gender and CVD and she supervises several medical PhD students on this topic. Former member of the steering committee of EAPCI-Women and former chair of Education and Training. Currently member of EAPCI Advocacy Committee and ESC EORP NSTEMI Registry. Co-applicant to many trials investigating the role of gender on CVD. Member of numerous advisory boards: Associate editor of Frontiers in CV Medicine special section on Gender in CV Medicine; Editorial Board Euro Intervention; Editorial Board Netherlands Heart Journal; Ambassador and member of the Working group Heart for Women Netherlands Heart Foundation; Organizer of events during national Dress Red Day on September 29th; Organizer and participator in yearly cycle event from The Netherlands to ESC for fundraising Women and CVD. Published a large number of articles and peer-reviewed publications; H-factor 30. Also co-author of the recently published book on “The female heart: ‘ from ischemia to prevention” that was published in Dutch.

Yolande Appelman’s ambition is to move this field forward and to enrich the knowledge gap in non- obstructive CAD especially in women.