Dr. Shrilla Banerjee is a Consultant Interventional Cardiologist at Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust, UK.  She was an undergraduate at the University of Birmingham, with postgraduate training on the St George’s Medical Training Programme and the North-East London Cardiology Specialist Training Programme.  Her MD was based on the Appropriateness of Coronary Revascularisation (ACRE) study, supervised by Professor Adam Timmis, and published in the New England Journal of Medicine, Heart, British Medical Journal and the American Journal of Cardiology.

Dr. Banerjee has been active in medical education and has co-authored a textbook of Cardiology (Swanton’s Cardiology).  She has been invited faculty at the British Cardiovascular Society (BCS), American College of Cardiology (ACC) and the British Cardiovascular Intervention Society (BCIS) meetings.  She has just completed a 3-year elected position on the Education Committee of the BCS, having previously been Women’s Officer for 4 years. Dr. Banerjee will join the Council of BCIS in January 2021 as an elected Council Member.  Dr. Banerjee is an invited member of the EAPCI Quality Improvement Committee and a reviewer for a number of high-impact journals.

In summer 2020, she was a panel discussant on the ACC – Non-Communicable Disease academy talking about Race, Ethnicity and Social Determinants of Health, and also presented in the ACC Women in Cardiology session on Gender Variations in COVID-19 Mortality.  She was also a participant in the Cath Lab Directors Round Table for Women as One. 

Dr. Banerjee has been a passionate advocate for women in her specialty.  In particular, she has been keen to develop a mentorship programme as part of a strategy aimed at balancing the gender-based disparity in Cardiology, and in particular procedure-based Cardiology.  This builds on her work as Chair of the Focus Group for Women (BCIS) which has resulted in change-drivers and campaigns to shape a more equitable future in Interventional Cardiology.