Specialty: Interventional Cardiology

Dr. Allison B. Hall, MD, FRCPC is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine at Memorial University of Newfoundland and is an Interventional Cardiologist with Eastern Health and Cardiology Consultants in St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada. In 2019 she completed dedicated training at the Minneapolis Heart Institute in Complex Coronary Intervention (CTO/CHIP).

Dr. Hall has authored or co-authored 20 manuscripts and has been a panelist and award-winning speaker. She is passionate about complex, indicated, coronary intervention and the care of high-risk patients. In 2019, she returned to practice in her home province, which has the highest rate of cardiovascular disease in Canada and is faced with systemic challenges. Here, as the province’s first practicing female Interventional Cardiologist, she will put her skillset to use, aiming to help progress the Complex PCI Program. She also hopes to formalize a local approach to the care of patients in cardiogenic shock that works within the constraints of the system and she recently joined the hospital’s ECLS committee.

Dr. Hall is eager to help the Cath Lab access and integrate updated technologies, to increase participation in research registries/initiatives and to play an active role in the education of staff and medical trainees. She is also interested in heart-health public education initiatives for NL. Dr. Hall wishes to liaise with the broader cardiology community and seeks mentorship and opportunities that will help her develop the necessary leadership skills and approaches to realize her ideas.