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Promoting talent differently at RISE 2023

Published Date – 7 December 2022

The inaugural Women As One RISE Conference is taking place in New York City on February 18, 2023. The program will provide women physicians with insights into best practices for equal opportunity, niche skill development, and access to leading experts. With an outstanding faculty of physicians, CEOs and more, RISE will foster a learning experience to advance women towards their professional best.

Planning for career enhancement

RISE is more than discussing theories and possibilities. This unique event allows women physicians to create specific action plans for their career development. Conference attendees will leave New York with critical information they can implement immediately.

During interactive workshops, attendees will gain insider tips and techniques in areas not often discussed during medical conferences. Participants can choose two of the following four workshop topics:

  • Workshop One: Insider Tips from Top Journal Editors with Jane Leopold, MD
  • Workshop Two: Keys to Effective Leadership with Natasha Bowman, JD, SPHR
  • Workshop Three: Business Acumen for Physicians: What’s Essential? with Ruth Reiner, MBA.
  • Workshop Four: Clinical Trial Leadership: What Does it Take? with Pamela S Douglas, MD

Learning from experts outside of medicine

Diversity of perspective and experience helps ensure diversity of thought. Thought leaders in fields outside of medicine can offer fresh insights and unique skill sets to physician learners. RISE was intentional in inclusion of guest faculty invitations, and features world-renowned leaders from within the medical community alongside experts in business, leadership, tech and film. View the agenda to see the full slate of speakers, and the topics they will cover.

Woman presenting at a conference

Enabling systemic change

RISE 2023 will support women physicians to enhance their careers and grow professionally. It will also encourage women in medicine to be catalysts for change for both themselves, and future generations.

World-leading experts will share best practices for mitigating biases within professional medical settings. Attendees will hear from leaders of major academic, funding, regulatory, industry and professional organizations about what they’re doing in their respective organizations to enable diversity. The hope is to uncover what’s working so that successful policies and practices can be broadly adopted towards an equal future for women in medicine.