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Grow as a leader at RISE 2023

Published Date – 21 December 2022

Stepping into our power as leaders isn’t always an easy task. At RISE 2023, our goal is to create an in-person gathering for women physicians to network and learn from other experts in the field. Our agenda is packed with presentations from guest faculty across multiple medical specialties and industries, and our aim is to drive professional growth for all attendees.

TedX speaker and author Natasha Bowman, JD, SPHR is one of the inspiring speakers you’ll hear from at RISE. During her interactive workshop, Natasha will help you become an effective leader and feel empowered in your workplace. We sat down with her to learn more about what you can expect from her workshop, and why it’s important for women physicians to engage in leadership training.

Q: What inspired you to set-up your company Performance ReNEW?

A:  After working many years as an HR executive for Fortune 500 companies and healthcare organizations, I identified many challenges that organizations were facing and had crafted proven solutions for those challenges. I believed that I had value that should be shared beyond just one organization, so I decided to found Performance ReNEW to expand my ability to create engaging, inclusive, and positive workplaces.

Q: Why do you think it would be important for women physicians to develop strong leadership skills?

A:  One important reason that it is essential for female physicians to develop strong leadership skills is to ensure that their workplaces develop and sustain inclusive cultures that will be likely to retain female physicians. Female physicians face unique challenges than their male counterparts, such as meeting the demands of both their professional and personal lives. Additionally, although women occupy the majority of hospital administration roles, their perception is that their voices are not respected and valued, and they face daily microaggressions. Finally, like in other fields, there are inequities in pay. Female physicians should develop strong leadership skills so that they can utilize these skills to rectify these inequities in the healthcare profession.

Q: What do you hope women will take away from your workshop at RISE?

A:  I hope that women will be able to walk away from my workshop with skills, strategies, and techniques to advocate inclusive workplaces for all women in healthcare, promote their mental health, and eliminate imposter syndrome so that they feel empowered to use their powerful voices to cultivate change.

Q: What are you most passionate about within your field?

A:  I am most passionate about helping organizational leaders cultivate healthy, inclusive, and psychologically safe work environments. Everyone deserves to feel safe, included, valuable, and respected in their workplaces.

Join Natasha Bowman, JD, SPHR and our other guest faculty next February and develop key skills for your career.  Make sure you’re part of it, register for RISE 2023 today and join us in New York City.