Sign up to our Talent Directory to join our community of talented women healthcare professionals and further your professional development as a physician, all while engaging in tailored programs led by thought leaders in the industry.
At Women As One, we’re committed to shaping the future careers of women in medicine.
We believe that creating more opportunities for women cardiologists to enter, remain, and become leaders in the field will be the catalyst to a more equitable workforce in medicine and lead to better patient outcomes within the field of cardiology.
Sign up to our Talent Directory to join our community of talented women healthcare professionals and further your professional development as a physician, all while engaging in tailored programs led by thought leaders in the industry.
At Women As One, we’re committed to shaping the future careers of women in medicine.
We believe that creating more opportunities for women cardiologists to enter, remain, and become leaders in the field will be the catalyst to a more equitable workforce in medicine and lead to better patient outcomes within the field of cardiology.
According to the WHO (World Health Organization), 17,9 million people die each year from CVD (cardiovascular diseases), an estimated 32% of all death worldwide. Cardiovascular diseases disproportionately impact women and are responsible for 35% of deaths in women each year. In this article, you will find a listing of useful resources and activities to help you raise awareness and advocate for heart health during Heart Month.
Advocate for heart health and educate people in your network
Don’t know where to start? We’ve got you covered. We compiled a list of websites that offer key facts and figures to advocate for heart health:
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention created a series of toolkits available here with different key messages adapted to different audiences (health care professionals, public health professionals or individuals and patients).
Live in the United States and want state-specific information to raise awareness of CVD? The NHLBI info cards can be shared in any state:access resources
The WHO also shared global statistics to reshare with your network: download fact sheets
Looking for statistics on women and CVD? The Lancet Women and Cardiovascular Disease Commission offers an abundance of resources.Now is a great time to reshare them with your network.
Encourage people of your network to make heart health a part of their routine
Share tips and encourage people in your network to make heart health a priority in their self-care routine.Below, you’ll find a series of social media graphics and materials to share this month:
The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute created a series of materials, part of the #OurHeart campaign, along with inspirational self-care quotes and more:See now
NHLBI also gives you the opportunity to create your own social media graphics using their PowerPoint template: Available here
On Friday, February 4th, it’s National Wear Red, get ready and download your shareable graphicshere
Join offline and online events
Many organizations organize events during February 2022. Afew are highlighted below: