animated bubble
A group of professional women sat in a circle discussing


Supporting the development of women in cardiology

Women As One actively develops resources and publications that aim to assist women in their careers and illuminate opportunities to improve the field of cardiology. Working with global experts and partner organizations, we produce high-quality information that advances gender equity in medicine and showcases the individual talents of our community.

Our Resources

Since our inception, Women As One has worked to identify barriers to advancing gender equity in medicine and develop digital resources to support the dissolution of those barriers. Below are a few examples of the resources we feel can make a difference in the daily lives of women in cardiology.

Our Publications

We understand that publishing is important for disseminating information across academic medicine and beyond. Women As One works closely with global cardiovascular experts and professional organizations to identify opportunities to share original viewpoints and research findings related to advancing gender equity in the field. Below are a few examples of this important and ongoing work.

Books on a bookshelf

Gender Disparity in Citations and Altmetric Attention Scores in High-Impact Cardiology Journals

Our Publications

Articles with women as primary or senior authors are cited less often and have lower Altmetric Attention Scores than papers written by men.

Lead aprons hanging on a rail

Radiation protection for healthcare professionals working in catheterisation laboratories during pregnancy

Our Publications

A statement of the European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions (EAPCI) in collaboration with the European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA), the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI), the ESC Regulatory Affairs Committee and Women As One.

A doctor holding a stethoscope

The Conundrum and Opportunity of Gender Equity for Evidence Generators

Our Publications

All stakeholders must take responsibility for promoting equity in academic medicine because a divers and inclusive medical workforce will generate the best possible evidence resulting in a more successful enterprise.

Publications by our award winners

Since 2020, Women As One has supported the research of women in cardiology through our global awards program. The results of these awards often go on to be published in high-impact journals, elevating the award winners’ professional status and increasing women’s visibility in the field. Below are a few examples of the work produced as a result of the Women As One awards.

A woman sat in front of an interview panel

Temporal Trends and Clinical Trial Characteristics Associated with the Inclusion of Women inHeart Failure Trial Steering Committees

Award Winner Publications

A 2021 publication in Circulation: Heart Failure, by 2020 Award Winner Dr Harriette Van Spall
